A company can only be as good as the theam behind it

In our company, everyone – from the warehouse to the purchasing department to the sales department – works with passion to ensure that we continue to develop and become even better. Because nothing makes us happier than a nice & hip assortment as well as satisfied customers!

Our Consultant-Team

Jens Rudolph

Jens Rudolph

CEO & Client Consultant SK & CH

languages: ger / eng

Bernd Eggerstedt

Bernd Eggerstedt

Client Consultant North & West

languages: ger / eng

Jonathan Schiefelbein

Jonathan Schiefelbein

Client Consultant inhouse

languages: ger / eng

Frank Herrmann

Frank Herrmann

Sales Representative South

languages: ger / eng / fre

Manfred Marchner

Manfred Marchner

Sales Representative AU & South-Tirol

language: ger

… all the other helping hands in the office

Beata Lenz

Beata Lenz

Dispatcher & Purchaser
Tina Wons-Troike

Tina Wons-Troike

Art Direction

… and all the other helping hands in the warehouse

Rüdiger Borowski

Rüdiger Borowski

Detlef Neumann

Detlef Neumann

Ibrahim Ahmadi

Ibrahim Ahmadi

Warehouse Assistent
Tunc Balcanci

Tunc Balcanci
